You know those days where life is just feeling crazy and the stress of all your projects/work/parenting is just seeming to consume your energy? It could be school getting crazy, the boys fighting more, lack of sleep, business stuff piling up, the house looks like a tornado just came get the point! For me this signals one's time to stop and listen to what's going on with you. This is how I am feeling what am I going to do about it? Stop and reflect! I like to take 5/10/15 minutes (however long you can sneak away), even if that means hiding in the bathroom "going pee" (you moms know what I am talking about). Ask your self what is really going on. Take some deep breaths in and blow that air (troubles) out. This is like a mommy time out and it allows me to refocus. When I get some more time, like after the boys are in bed I continue to work through the stress.

Heres what I do: 1. take a deep breath in for 4 second, hold for 2 seconds, and blow the air out for 5 seconds (meditation). This allows me to stop all the mumbo-jumbo in my head and really focus on whats stressing me out. 2. Write it down. I like to call it a "brain dump" (I know flattering right). Write down whatever comes to mind. The stress, to dos, solutions, what I am grateful/happy about, literally whatever comes to mind. Doing this will literally make your self made "huge" problems look less intimidating. 3. After I write, I look at it and smile at the gratefuls I wrote, and see my real problem(s). Then I can break it down into smaller solutions and attack the problem.
Let me give an example. For me this week, I was just feeling overwhelmed and defeated. After completing the above steps, I looked at my "brain dump" and had two realizations. The first, I need a morning to unplug, focus on my family, and just tune out the dings of social media and mail. For me that means I need to be outdoors, that is my soul healing source (along with cozying up with a good book). So what am I going to do about it? The fam and I are unplugging and headed out for a day of hiking and delicious treats at our favorite cabin. The second issue that I noticed, was that my brain is getting clogged up with being pulled between my business and school. So I sat back and thought what am I missing here in the world of balance. I noticed that I have not been writing down my tasks and goals for each day. What happens when I miss brain chaos. I have this great system in place but sometimes I get off path and lets just say I am feeling it. So what to do? Get back to my system. I have "power hour" templets for what needs to be done each day in my I need to get strict at writing that out each night or morning. I also need to be writing in my planner (I use the Day Designer...seriously in love with it). In there I write my top 3 priorities, my greatfuls, and I manage all the hours in my day. This is important because I am busy and when I get work time (nap time, early morning, after bed) I need to know exactly what should be done so that I don't sit there "figuring out" what to do with my time. Instead I am doing it.
So how can you reduce your stress?!?!
- Work out 30 minutes 6 days a week
- Take time for YOU each week (read, hike, workout, go out with friends, do on a date, Get a coffee, go to a movie, paint, dance..whatever feels your heart up with joy and recharges you).
- Drink water
- Get 7-8 hours of sleep each night
- Eat healthy most days
- Laugh
Comment below on how you destress! Was this helpful? Do you want more? If you have any questions about workout programs or clean eating please shoot me a email here
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