Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Pinterest Discoveries

I mean really WHO doesn't love Pinterest?!?!?! It is truly my go to for pretty much anything I need ideas for. So people started asking about my Pinterest and I decided to might be a good idea to go take a peek at it before I started sending people there for ideas. What did I discover well looking around? I discovered what a HOT MESS it was. No really, nothing was organized, there were boards I had not touched in 5 years,  and I was unsure as to why I posted at least 1/3 of what I was seeing. 

So I decided, "hummmm maybe I should clean house".  Now let me tell you it is still a work in progress but I am feeling pretty excited about it's Fall revamp and I decided to share a few things with you about what I learned during my Pinterest garage sale. 

1) My health habits
Boy- O - Boy have they changed. I found it so fun and shocking to look at how my recipe board had changed through my fitness journey. I went from butter, butter, butter to maybe not so much butter. I also noticed my dinner ideas used to be very carb driven, fried, and processed. I look back and realized what a slow process it was. It is crazy the progress you can make in a couple years. All you have to do it start and over time those baby steps will compound into something you can look back on and have "aha" moments about (enjoy them! You worked you butt off to get there)! 

2) I am a holiday CRAZY lady and not a healthy (or half healthy ;)) one.
No really, like hands down, adult child, holiday FREAK!!! Now this has NOT changed and I am proud of it! That freak/awesome flag will fly high until my heart stops beating. However, this year my goal will be to revamp that going to gain 15 pounds in December alone mentality to a healthy balance of cheat meals and clean foods. I didn't work this hard to blow it all in a three month period. So I will be working hard to find 'cleaner' options and I will splurge a little less then last year. More to come on that and hopefully you will join me on taming that beast.

3) My kids have grown :(
My little babies are not newborns anymore. It was fun to look back through pin's and remember which ones I had done with the boys, the messes, and the memories made. I was excited to clean up this area of my boards because I also love and am excited for where they are now and where they are headed. So I am working on growing future ideas and adventures for us!

4) Oh ya I don't drink...and oh I am a vegetarian
Looking way back I was reminded of my meat eating days. This really solidified how long it had been sense I gave a little TLC to the recipes. I mean really, I have been a vegetarian for 3.5 years! I also saw a lot of alcohol and I got to reflect on how far my marriage and family have come. It was fun to delete it all but also fun to savor that proud moment of not needing or wanting it there. If you are interested in that story, you can check it out here

So now that I have walked down my Pinterest memory lane and 'cleaned house' I feel proud of where I am headed and where I have been. Please check out the revamp HERE. I would love feedback on what you think and also what you want to see more of. 


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