Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Core De Force Week 1 Meal Plan

I am so excited to announce that a brand new Beachbody home fitness program is going to be launched on the 31st of October!  Core De Force is a 30 day total body transformation program that will rock your world.  The best part about the program is that the only equipment you need is YOU!  Core De Force is an MMA inspired program which inludes 3 minute “rounds” where you will get boxing, kickboxing and Muay Thai, knee-elbow combinations, bodyweight training and cardio spikes that will help you lose belly fat and shred your body.  If you can focus on hitting it hard for 3 minutes at a time before you know it the workout will be over.  I have had the opportunity to do Core De Force as a preview to the release date.  This workout gets your heart rate up, it gets you sweating and I couldn’t believe how sore I was the next day.  I noticed that it really does focus on your entire core and getting your midsection defined, which of course is a woman’s top area to spot treat right!!!  So check out all the details here if you are interested in changing up your workout, breaking a plateau, getting started with your transformation or holding yourself accountable over the holidays.  I am going to be hosting a private test group for people who are ready to join me in this 30 day program.

One of my FAVORITE THINGS about this new program is that is is pretty much badass! My goal as your coach and fellow challenger is to motivate you and to help you feel FIERCE! The moves are broken down for you and explains and then you practice them and speed them up! Here is the sneak peek! 


 So now that we have our hands on the actual program we have to get started right!!!  It’s Tuesday and there is NEVER a more perfect time than NOW for a new program.  I spent some time this morning going through the nutrition guide, the program manual, the workouts and I created a game plan for myself.  What I love most is that the program walks you through exactly what you need to eat, what your customized calorie bracket is and then helps you to stay on track by giving you recipes and tips for success.  I also love that it comes with a customized workout calendar that totally takes the guesswork out of what workouts to do on which days!  You literally check off the boxes, follow the program from start to finish, crush it and get a total body transformation!  I’m game… how about you!

Who is Core De Force For? Core De Force is for EVERYONE.  Whether you are a beginner, intermediate or advanced level in your fitness you can do this workout.  You will enjoy the challenge of taking the intensity higher to improve your cardio strength, speed and endurance.  Each MMA inspired workout has an optional move breakdown to help you get familiar with the combinations.  There is also a “modifier track”  so you can follow a split screen if you would like as well.
Core De Force also focuses on rotational moves which means you will work your core from 360 degrees every time you hit play. That is going to be awesome for all of us who really want to tone that trouble area!

What Is the Eating Plan Like?  The nutrition guide was created to be simple, clean foods, that you can easily measure out and combine to give yourself a well balanced nutrition plan that will fuel your body with the energy it needs to crush the next workout on the schedule and get the results that you want.  If you really want to know what this program can do for your body make sure that you are 100% committed to the nutrition plan because what you eat is 80% of the results that you get.
The nutrition plan follows the portion fix, but you will not receive another set of containers unless you want them!  Each food category is measured out and explained in detail to you.  The plan is meant to be SUPER EASY to follow so that you don’t get overwhelmed with to many options.  Plus, in the test group I am hosting I am going to be walking you through the entire nutrition plan as well.
So over the next 30 days you can follow my journey along with my husband Bryan as we take you on the Core De Force journey!
When it comes to having success with any program a huge part is your nutrition.  I wanted to take some time today to really walk you through the nutrition and what I am going to be eating.
There are 4 potential plans that you can fall into {Plan A, B, C or D}
First, you figure out your calorie target.
  1.  What is your current weight then multiply that by 11 and that is your calorie starting point.
  2. You take your calorie starting point and you add 400 calories because that is what you will burn with each workout and that gives you your maintenance calories.
  3. Then, take your maintenance calories and subtract 750 calories to give you a deficit and that is your calorie target.
  4. Then figure out which category you fit into based on that number!
Once you know your plan for calories you can check out how many servings of each container you get to eat per day.  Yes Core De Force uses the portion container system or it gives you the measurements for  each one as well.
I fall into the lowest bracket which is Plan A which means I get to eat:
3 servings of veggies per day
2 fruit servings per day
4 protein servings per day
2 carb servings per day
1 healthy fat serving per day
1 seeds and dressings serving per day
2 oils, nut butter servings per day
This eating plan is all about a balanced approach to nutrition with each plan working out to be about 40% carbs, 30% proteins and 30% fats.
So now it’s time to create a plan to follow:

I can't wait to start this journey with you! Fill out the information below and I will contact you within 24 hours to answer questions and get you started in the LAUNCH GROUP starting on Nov. 14th! 

Fill out my online form.
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