Oh Sundays how I love you. Woke up to my boys, pancakes, and a fire! The time change definitely had it's affect on all of us, as we were pretty lazy today ;)
However, after breakfast and cartoons I got my meal plan all done and we headed out to Costco (almost as dangerous as Target) and Trader Joe's to shop for the week! Why is meal planning so important?!?!
1. You will eat healthier: When you plan meals it allows you to eat a balanced diet. When you already have a menu and the food you're going to prepare for the next several days, you won't have to resort to eating out or ordering takeout. Unfortunately, when you find yourself coming home late, getting caught up with kids sports and homework, you probably resort to buying pizza, cheeseburgers or a bucket of greasy chicken. While the occasional dinner out is a nice treat, if it happens too regularly, you'll see the negative aspects of that in how you feel physically.
2. You shop more effectively: When you make a habit of planning your meals, you can also get to shop for groceries more efficiently. This is because you will already have a list of the ingredients you need even before you go the shopping. This will eliminate those annoying instances when you're in the middle of cooking and you discover that you've ran out of a necessary ingredient, so you end up rushing to the store or doing without the ingredient. I have found that since staring meal planning I have had less food go to waste. You know when you go shopping with no plan and buy food thinking you will use it that week and it doesn't happen and then you find it two weeks later moldy in the fridge?!?! Meal planning automatically eliminates these grocery-related problems.
3. You save money: By having a plan and sticking to it, you go out to eat and order food in less! You are also not randomly throwing stuff in your cart (as much anyway) you think you will eat and then end up wasting it!
4. Variety: Before I was meal planning I would go to the store with no clue what i was going to make so I ended up always making the same few things and that got boring! On my journey to a healthier lifestyle however I have really gotten into vegetarian good books, healthy food blogs, and Pinterest!
Below is my week 2 meal plan for Core De Force (more info on that program HERE)! I color code mine to fit with the 21 Day Fix container system, this ensures that I am "eating the rainbow"!
Have a great week,
Deanna ;)
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