Healthy living means so much more to me then looking good in a pair of jeans (although that's a big plus😉). I used to be so unhappy with how I looked and felt in my own skin. My self talk was negative, how I talked about myself was negative, I could never accept compliments from others. Having babies, nursing babies changes your body and not many people talk about that. It can be hard to see yourself change so fast and have your mental state be sensitive and emotional because well we are new moms 😉 Man it has been a journey... A long roller coaster of a journey.
I made a choice to eat whole foods because I have energy, I stay healthier, my body feels better. I choose to workout everyday (minus Sunday's) because I feel strong, confident, and doing so pushes me everyday and I feel like that's good for you both physically and mentally. Starting my fitness journey and becoming a coach to help others by sharing my story and encouraging them along th
eirs has changed how I feel about myself both physically and mentally and where I am headed in life. The weight and the toning is a product of those things.
There's no looking back except to learn and I will continue on this path to always be striving to be my best self🙌🏻
Here are the three healthy living philosophies I want to share with you today:

1) Remember to nourish your soul. Being healthy is very much an inside thing as well as an outside. I believe this can look different for different people. For me it's shutting down negative self talk with positive affirmations. If I find myself saying/thinking something negative about myself, I turn it around. I then will write the affirmation on a sticky note and put it on my bathroom mirror so that I see it and say it everyday. I take it down when I feel like I have moved on or worked through that issue. I also keep a journal where I write done something inspiring, a goal, and at least 3 things I am thankful for everyday. I am trying super hard to get back into meditation, it is so hard for me to find enough time to complete all my tasks but I find that when I do it I am a less stressed and more put together person. For others this may be praying, being out in nature, going somewhere that is spiritual to you...there are no right or wrongs here, you just need to find what works for you.
2) Dedication does not mean deprivation. I hear this one a lot and I used to believe it what i was younger in college and high school. Being dedicated to a heathy and active lifestyle does not mean that you cutout any one food group. You can be healthy and enjoy that cookie, coffee, or scone. In life it's all about moderation and balance. This is why I talk so much about the 80/20 rule. I eat on point 80% of the time but you better believe I am making Christmas cookies and eating a couple with my boys after we are done. That is the beauty of it when you plan and eat well most of the time you really enjoy those 'treat meals'. You don't have the guilt or self hate.
3) Stronger body, stronger you. For me, working on my physical fitness has been as much of a mental triumph as it has a physical one. When I am working on pushing myself with a new fitness program, upping my weights, or working on improving my speed, I gain confidence in myself. That sort of effort and perseverance affects every other aspect of your life (who knew right). I am also a stronger mom, I see my boys modeling Bryan and I's behavior, talking about fitness, and healthy food. Fitness has helped me learn that I can overcome failures and that tomorrow is a brand new day. You get a fresh start to try again, tweak, or change a goal.
I hope that is helped inspire you on your Monday, in whatever it is your doing today! Make it a great one and remember to show up in all you do today!