Monday, November 16, 2015

Sunday Farmers Market

Okay I know this sounds totally dorky but I think farmers markets are kind of magical! I absolutely love going!! People are always so nice, the food is divine, and you get to talk to so many different kinds of people. 

It was a chilly rainy day today and we had a blast! It was so much fun watching the boys run around and explore all the fruits and veggies. Listening to them ask question and taste different things was so much fun! Logan was asking all about how things were made. He wanted to know all the different kids of sprouts and then he picked out which he wanted!

As you can see from the pictures...their were little hands all over ;) Another thing I love is all the colors. I mean really, all the deep Fall and Winter colors are amazing. 

We ended up getting kale, sprouts, carrots, soup, and a couple bottles of spearmint  and peppermint oil. With all of that I think our total for the day was 36$ (19$ of that being the oil).

Overall, I love going as a family outing! I love that the boys get to be a little closer to where their food comes from. They are also surrounded by (mostly) delicious healthy foods and people that also enjoy all the clean foods! Also anything that is outdoors, is a plus fro this too little monkeys!  

Have you ever visited a farmers market? What did you think?

Remember to show up in all you do today,

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