Monday, November 7, 2016

Kale Chips

Crispy Kale Chips

So I have ALWAYS loved kale chips ever since I discovered them about 2 years ago! They are a stable and a secrete veggie hack in our house! My boys don't like kale but both will devour this "chips"! It may take a couple tries to get them perfect to your liking but even when they are a little on the extra crispy side there still yummy!

  • Bushel of kale
  • Olive oil
  • Seasonings of your choosing. I did: garlic, onion powder, and salt
  • optional: shiitake mushrooms (cook with kale) or a sprinkle of parmesan cheese
  1. Preheat ovan to 350 degrees F
  2. With a knife or kitchen shears remove the leaves from the thick stems and tear into bite size pieces. Wash and thoroughly dry kale with a salad spinner. Drizzle kale (and mushrooms of you want to add them)  with olive oil and sprinkle with seasonings.
  3. Bake until the edges brown but are not burnt, 10 to 15 minutes. 
  4. Sprinkle with parmesan cheese!
  5. Enjoy

Deanna :)

Why Meal Plan?

Oh Sundays how I love you. Woke up to my boys, pancakes, and a fire! The time change definitely had it's affect on all of us, as we were pretty lazy today ;)
However, after breakfast and cartoons I got my meal plan all done and we headed out to Costco (almost as dangerous as Target) and Trader Joe's to shop for the week! Why is meal planning so important?!?! 

1.  You will eat healthier: When you plan meals it allows you to eat a balanced diet. When you already have a menu and the food you're going to prepare for the next several days, you won't have to resort to eating out or ordering takeout. Unfortunately, when you find yourself coming home late, getting caught up with kids sports and homework, you probably resort to buying pizza, cheeseburgers or a bucket of greasy chicken. While the occasional dinner out is a nice treat, if it happens too regularly, you'll see the negative aspects of that in how you feel physically.

2. You shop more effectivelyWhen you make a habit of planning your meals, you can also get to shop for groceries more efficiently. This is because you will already have a list of the ingredients you need even before you go the shopping. This will eliminate those annoying instances when you're in the middle of cooking and you discover that you've ran out of a necessary ingredient, so you end up rushing to the store or doing without the ingredient. I have found that since staring meal planning I have had less food go to waste. You know when you go shopping with no plan and buy food thinking you will use it that week and it doesn't happen and then you find it two weeks later moldy in the fridge?!?! Meal planning automatically eliminates these grocery-related problems.
3.  You save money: By having a plan and sticking to it, you go out to eat and order food in less! You are also not randomly throwing stuff in your cart (as much anyway) you think you will eat and then end up wasting it! 

4. Variety: Before I was meal planning I would go to the store with no clue what i was going to make so I ended up always making the same few things and that got boring! On my journey to a healthier lifestyle however I have really gotten into vegetarian good books, healthy food blogs, and Pinterest!

Below is my week 2 meal plan for Core De Force (more info on that program HERE)! I color code mine to fit with the 21 Day Fix container system, this ensures that I am "eating the rainbow"!

Have a great week,
Deanna ;)

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Thankful and Thriving Challenge group!

Y'all my goal over the next 60 something days is to maintain and maybe work the core a little, you know I like a good challenge ;) Anywho, the average American gains 7-10 pounds during the next 2 months and my goal is to help other NOT let this happen! HOW?

Let's have our treats and continue to thrive with short at home workouts, hold each other accountable, and drink our superfoods!

Working on yourself and carving out YOU time is the best gift you can give yourself and your family! So this groups main focus is on setting ourselves up for the New Year because you can change your life in 60 days so WHY wait! We will also be doing fun thankful activities to get our heart, mind, and body in alignment! 

This group is special in that we will be combing Gratitude exercises to really help you see the light and joy in your life!! 

About Our Groups:

My team’s challenge groups take place in a small, closed Facebook group where participants get to know each other and help provide support to others in reaching their goals.  Each day, there is a daily pinned post/accountability assignment.   The only people that see your posts are the other coaches and challengers in the group.  A typical group size is 10 challengers. There are check in's and FUN prizes ;)
Once you fill out the application, I will contact you and we can decide which program best fits your needs:) If you are interested in the NEW Core De Force LAUNCH group click HERE

How Much Does a Challenge Group Cost?

There is no cost to participate in my challenge group.  However, you will need to purchase a Challenge Pack to have everything you need at home for the challenge as well as assign me as your coach.  A Challenge Pack includes your workout DVDs, Menu Plans, and a month of Shakeology. Contact me if you’d like to learn how to save money on your program.  If this sounds like something you’d like to do, fill out an application. Spots are limited and filling up quickly.
(if you have participated in past challenge groups, email Deanna at

I look forward to working towards our best selves together! 


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What to do with all That Halloween Candy

Okay but really if I have to hear, "can I have one more piece of candy" one more time I may die!
Oh and we have already  found empty wrappers in drawers and sneaking a piece in the corner....REALLY?!?!

So we came up with this plan of attack and  LOVED IT!!
The boys had a few pieces of candy last night and a couple today and we decided to give them 2 choices:
1. Keep 10 pieces of candy and give the rest away.
2. Keep 5 Pieces and trade the rest in for a new Hot wheels type car from Target

They loved it! WIN WIN, no more candy in the house, or hearing can I have 1 more piece 10 MILLION times, or my tummy hurts lol!

What do you do will all of yours?

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Core De Force Week 1 Meal Plan

I am so excited to announce that a brand new Beachbody home fitness program is going to be launched on the 31st of October!  Core De Force is a 30 day total body transformation program that will rock your world.  The best part about the program is that the only equipment you need is YOU!  Core De Force is an MMA inspired program which inludes 3 minute “rounds” where you will get boxing, kickboxing and Muay Thai, knee-elbow combinations, bodyweight training and cardio spikes that will help you lose belly fat and shred your body.  If you can focus on hitting it hard for 3 minutes at a time before you know it the workout will be over.  I have had the opportunity to do Core De Force as a preview to the release date.  This workout gets your heart rate up, it gets you sweating and I couldn’t believe how sore I was the next day.  I noticed that it really does focus on your entire core and getting your midsection defined, which of course is a woman’s top area to spot treat right!!!  So check out all the details here if you are interested in changing up your workout, breaking a plateau, getting started with your transformation or holding yourself accountable over the holidays.  I am going to be hosting a private test group for people who are ready to join me in this 30 day program.

One of my FAVORITE THINGS about this new program is that is is pretty much badass! My goal as your coach and fellow challenger is to motivate you and to help you feel FIERCE! The moves are broken down for you and explains and then you practice them and speed them up! Here is the sneak peek! 


 So now that we have our hands on the actual program we have to get started right!!!  It’s Tuesday and there is NEVER a more perfect time than NOW for a new program.  I spent some time this morning going through the nutrition guide, the program manual, the workouts and I created a game plan for myself.  What I love most is that the program walks you through exactly what you need to eat, what your customized calorie bracket is and then helps you to stay on track by giving you recipes and tips for success.  I also love that it comes with a customized workout calendar that totally takes the guesswork out of what workouts to do on which days!  You literally check off the boxes, follow the program from start to finish, crush it and get a total body transformation!  I’m game… how about you!

Who is Core De Force For? Core De Force is for EVERYONE.  Whether you are a beginner, intermediate or advanced level in your fitness you can do this workout.  You will enjoy the challenge of taking the intensity higher to improve your cardio strength, speed and endurance.  Each MMA inspired workout has an optional move breakdown to help you get familiar with the combinations.  There is also a “modifier track”  so you can follow a split screen if you would like as well.
Core De Force also focuses on rotational moves which means you will work your core from 360 degrees every time you hit play. That is going to be awesome for all of us who really want to tone that trouble area!

What Is the Eating Plan Like?  The nutrition guide was created to be simple, clean foods, that you can easily measure out and combine to give yourself a well balanced nutrition plan that will fuel your body with the energy it needs to crush the next workout on the schedule and get the results that you want.  If you really want to know what this program can do for your body make sure that you are 100% committed to the nutrition plan because what you eat is 80% of the results that you get.
The nutrition plan follows the portion fix, but you will not receive another set of containers unless you want them!  Each food category is measured out and explained in detail to you.  The plan is meant to be SUPER EASY to follow so that you don’t get overwhelmed with to many options.  Plus, in the test group I am hosting I am going to be walking you through the entire nutrition plan as well.
So over the next 30 days you can follow my journey along with my husband Bryan as we take you on the Core De Force journey!
When it comes to having success with any program a huge part is your nutrition.  I wanted to take some time today to really walk you through the nutrition and what I am going to be eating.
There are 4 potential plans that you can fall into {Plan A, B, C or D}
First, you figure out your calorie target.
  1.  What is your current weight then multiply that by 11 and that is your calorie starting point.
  2. You take your calorie starting point and you add 400 calories because that is what you will burn with each workout and that gives you your maintenance calories.
  3. Then, take your maintenance calories and subtract 750 calories to give you a deficit and that is your calorie target.
  4. Then figure out which category you fit into based on that number!
Once you know your plan for calories you can check out how many servings of each container you get to eat per day.  Yes Core De Force uses the portion container system or it gives you the measurements for  each one as well.
I fall into the lowest bracket which is Plan A which means I get to eat:
3 servings of veggies per day
2 fruit servings per day
4 protein servings per day
2 carb servings per day
1 healthy fat serving per day
1 seeds and dressings serving per day
2 oils, nut butter servings per day
This eating plan is all about a balanced approach to nutrition with each plan working out to be about 40% carbs, 30% proteins and 30% fats.
So now it’s time to create a plan to follow:

I can't wait to start this journey with you! Fill out the information below and I will contact you within 24 hours to answer questions and get you started in the LAUNCH GROUP starting on Nov. 14th! 

Fill out my online form.
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Monday, June 20, 2016

Peach Cobbler Overnight Oats

Peach Cobbler Overnight Oats 

(Single Serving) 

For real, this family LOVES they guzzle the stuff! I am always looking for for ways to spice up my overnight oats and since we are in 'peach season' (HAPPY DANCE) I wanted to incorporate them this week! 

Totally didn't was the perfect about of thickness, sweetness, and of course a hint of spice! Not gonna lie it had me feeling all sunshiney (even though it's a miserable 110 here ;( )!

Anywho, here is the recipe, as always, let me know what you think ;)


1/4 cup peaches
1 Tbsp Chia seeds
1/2 Cup Rolled Oats
1/4 Cup Milk (whatever kind you drink)
1/4 Cup Greek Yogurt
1 tsp Vanilla
Sprinkle With Cinnamon

1. Wash and cup up your peaches
2. Put all the ingredients in a jar or Tupperware
3. Shake and put in the refrigerator over night
4. In the morning mix and eat it cold or warm it up. I warm mine up for about 30 seconds
5. Enjoy!

Make it a great one,
Deanna :)

Monday, June 13, 2016

Lemon Poppy Seed Protein Muffins

Oh boy, oh boy, there is something about summer approaching and lemons! I'm currently on a mission to find healthier baking options. I love to bake and one thing about living by the 80/20 rule is that I need to moderate my backing. I have been to some really amazing raw food restaurants, especially in Bali, and I figured if they can make amazing treats that fit into my lifestyle, so can I! 

So these are so good, they almost have a cheesecake like quality about them :)

21 Day Fix friends: 2 muffins- 1 yellow, 1 red 

1 Scoop Whey Protein (I recommend either Vanilla or Caffe Late Shakeology)
6 Tbsp. Unsweetened applesauce
1 egg
3 Tbsp. Lemon zest 
2 tsp. Stevia
1/4 Cup Plain greek (or vanilla) yogurt
1.5 Tbsp. Coconut oil melted
2/3 Cup Coconut flour
1 Tbsp. Baking powder 
1 Tbsp. Poppy Seeds
1/4 tsp. Baking soda
1/2 Cup Low fat cottage cheese
3 Tbsp. Lemon juice

1. Preheat oven to 325 degrees
2. Blend yogurt, cottage cheese, lemon juice, egg, oil, and applesauce in the blender and set aside.
3. In a large bowl combine protein powder, coconut flour, poppy seeds, baking powder, baking soda, stevia, and lemon zest until combined. 
4. Pour blended mixture into dry ingredients and mix well. 
5. Pour batter into 8 muffin cups
6. Bake for 25 minutes
7. Enjoy and let me know what you think ;)

Make it a great one,

Sunday, June 5, 2016

Sizzilin Summer Slim Down

Wozza ladies can you believe that Summer kicks off in T-15 days? Ahhh the kids are home, it's blazin' hot here in AZ and the hubs and I are planning Summer trips :) The summer is so fun with trips and family time but man it can stay hard to stay focused on health and fitness goals...I mean for real the smores, camping food, and BBQ's can be a killer!

Here's the truth....

I have worked SUPER hard to reach my health and fitness goals. Also true, I am NO different than ANY of you reading this post. 

** I love Chips
** Brownies are my spirit animal
** I would eat pizza and guacamole everyday if I could 
** I procrastinate the heck out of getting my workouts in 
** At one point not too long ago the girl I am today was a someone I never thought or dreamed I could become. 

Here are a couple of my recent transformations:

What happened was I was freaking tired of just imagining and wishing I could feel confident and look the way I wanted. I decided to make a commitment to start driving my life and STOP being a passenger. When I look how far I have come in my journey I am still shocked. I am not one of those women who is going to talk about how easy it was, claim that it's natural, or be a "damn I look good" type! That's just not my truth. I will tell ya straight, give you tools, support you, encourage you, and be there when you need me! You have to make the choice to start and to show up...thats on you, thats your commitment!!!

Heres a video about our group:

I mean for real ladies, I workout 6 days a week for 30 minutes AT HOME! Also, I eat a freaking ton of I struggled to eat it all during my first program! It's all about moderation, eating the right foods, balance, and portion control! 

I had NO CLUE that feeling good about my self on the inside and out was possible! I guess what it boils down to is that: if it's possible for me, you better believe it's POSSIBLE FOR YOU TOO! It will take WORK, it will take COMMITMENT, but it will be WORTH IT. Here's is all thats included in the challenge:

Complete Home Fitness Program
Only 22-30 minutes a day; 4-6 days a week; with little equipment

Custom Meal Plans
Including Shakeology and recipes 

First 30 Days Worth of Shakeology
With up to 7 different flavors to choose from (oh the choices ;))

Free 30 Day Trial to a Club Membership
Stream your program plus lots more on your phone, tablet, computer, etc. 

Free Coach
Hey! Thats me :) There to guide, help, and motivate every step of the way 


Refresh and revamp your fav Summer recipes to be more healthy with extra recipes provided my me! 

EXTRA plank challenge for that extra bikini ready push (optional) 

Alright decision time....keep telling yourself tomorrow OR take that first step with me! My new group kicks off June 20th and spots are limited, so make sure you RSVP below (or email: and I will get in touch to discuss your goals, program options, and answer any questions. 

Talk Soon,
Deanna :)

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Thursday, May 12, 2016

Shakeology Breakfast Bars

Good Morning Lovelies,

I don't know about you all but my boys LOVE bars (of any kind) and I struggle to find brands they like that aren't loaded with sugar and other additives.  For instance, they love Z-bars and it wasn't until recently that I realized they have quit a bit of sugar in them!

On a positive note, I actually really like making and trying out different bar recipes. I also feel like there great for little helpers because you usually just mix everything in one bowl....SCORE!

Anyway,  this morning I made Shakeology Breakfast Bars. If you don't have Shakeology, you can try a protein powder or maybe almond flour...if you do let me know how they turn out ;)

Ingredients (Makes 9 bars):
- 4 scoops Cafe Latte Shakeology
- 2 cups dry old-fashioned oats
- 1/2 cup (walnuts, almonds, seeds...whatever you like! We used pumpkin seeds this time)
- 1/2 cup raisins (or other dried fruit...I also added some Cocoa Nibs)
- 1 cup unsweetened almond milk
- 1/2 cup (1 med. banana) mashed banana
- sprinkle of shredded coconut


1. Combine Shakeology, oats, nuts, and dried fruit in a large mixing bowl; mix well
2. Add almond milk and banana; mix well
3. Press mixture into an 8x8 inch backing pan
4. Sprinkle with coconut, cover and refrigerate for at least 3 hours.
5. cut into 9 bars
6. ENJOY ;)

Have a great day Lovelies,

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Summer Strong Accountability Group

Well May is knocking on our door and in AZ that means the temp is about to go UP, UP, UP! That means the shorts, dresses, and summer vacation are quickly approaching. Before about a year ago you would NEVER ever catch me in shorts...seriously I never wore them. Why? I had a complete lack of self confidence. That is something I have spent the last year working on in may different ways. My philosophy is to change, tweak, grow learn, improve and NEVER stop. Will I ever be the best? Heck no, and what would be the fun in that? I love to constantly challenge myself mentally, spiritually, and physically. So I started reading personal development (hit me up for recommendations), working on my nutrition, and getting some sort of physical exercise each day! 

No I am a busy mama, with a lot going on, so I am just NOT able to hit the gym or fitness classes. I have found that home fitness programs really allow me to try new things (not afraid of looking silly), they are proven effective, and I can workout on my schedule! 
Here is some more info on my challenge groups...please ask any questions:

What is a Challenge Group?
A challenge group is a small & intimate group of people who have committed to getting healthy by participating in a Beachbody workout program. Through fitness, nutrition, peer support, and accountability, a Beachbody Challenge group plays a key role in helping you reach your health and fitness goals. 

How Does it Work?
Every month, I host a private Challenge group. This is your chance to really commit yourself to your goals & take steps to leading a healthier lifestyle.

We will all commit to our fitness goals, health goals, and stay accountable to one another. We will all be in this together and what is what's so cool about these challenges. 
We will all be doing a Beachbody workout program, drinking shakeology, tracking our progress, staying connected in our private facebook group, etc. So if you are thinking “Well I don’t have shakeology” well then YES what I am saying is you will have to commit to getting on shakeology and drinking it 1 time per day (I chose breakfast). This will be a commitment for everyone I take in and I want us all to be 100% committed… I plan on giving 110% of myself to YOU to help you reach success and I want you to do the same!

By joining my challenge you will automatically get 1 month FREE of Beachbody on Demand (HELLO AWESOME RIGHT?). This is a great tool to have for all of us because you can workout anywhere with wifi, try out other fitness programs, have your workout guides and plans right on your computer. 

Is a challenge group right for you? sk yourself these questions….
1. Do you want to get healthy?
2. Do you want to fit in your skinny jeans?
3. Do you want to look in the mirror and feel GOOD about what you see?
4. Do you want to have energy?
5. Do you want to add years onto your life ?
6. Do you want to set a good example for your children?
7. Do you want to have a more positive attitude?
8. Do you want to build relationships with others going through the same things?
9. Do you want to have more confidence?
10. Do you want to get your life on track and start a new healthy lifestyle?

I think we all want those things and THIS challenge is the answer to help you achieve those goals. It takes 21 days to create a habit and with this you will have others looking to see if you did your workout, so that accountability will keep you on track!

So, are you interested? OF COURSE YOU ARE .…
1. DECIDE & COMMIT to joining my Beachbody Challenge and sign up with me as your FREE coach (click Beachbody challenge). Already have a coach? Ask them if they run any challenge groups and if not, you can always send me an email and I can let you know how to switch coaches.
2. Fill out the form below or message me on Facebook so that we can discuss which Beachbody program and Shakeology flavor is the best fit for you
3. I will get you all signed up and send you a conformation email where you will confirm the program and Shaekology flavors and enter your payment information.
4. I will friend you on Facebook and you will be entered into the next private challenge group! 
5. Succeed!

I can not Wait to Summer Strong with you,

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

The Busy Girls Spring Shape Up

What is a Challenge Group?
A challenge group is a small & intimate group of people who have committed to getting healthy by participating in a Beachbody workout program. Through fitness, nutrition, peer support, and accountability, a Beachbody Challenge group plays a key role in helping you reach your health and fitness goals. 

How Does it Work?
Every month, I host a Gradiator Challenge group. This is your chance to really commit yourself to your goals & take steps to leading a healthier lifestyle.

We will all commit to our fitness goals, health goals, and stay accountable to one another. We will all be in this together and what is what's so cool about these challenges. 
We will all be doing a Beachbody workout program, drinking shakeology, tracking our progress, staying connected in our private facebook group, etc. So if you are thinking “Well I don’t have shakeology” well then YES what I am saying is you will have to commit to getting on shakeology and drinking it 1 time per day (I chose breakfast). This will be a commitment for everyone I take in and I want us all to be 100% committed… I plan on giving 110% of myself to YOU to help you reach success and I want you to do the same!

By joining my challenge you will automatically get 1 month FREE of Beachbody on Demand (HELLO AWESOME RIGHT?). This is a great tool to have for all of us because you can workout anywhere with wifi, try out other fitness programs, have your workout guides and plans right on your computer. 

Is a challenge group right for you? sk yourself these questions….
1. Do you want to get healthy?
2. Do you want to fit in your skinny jeans?
3. Do you want to look in the mirror and feel GOOD about what you see?
4. Do you want to have energy?
5. Do you want to add years onto your life ?
6. Do you want to set a good example for your children?
7. Do you want to have a more positive attitude?
8. Do you want to build relationships with others going through the same things?
9. Do you want to have more confidence?
10. Do you want to get your life on track and start a new healthy lifestyle?

I think we all want those things and THIS challenge is the answer to help you achieve those goals. It takes 21 days to create a habit and with this you will have others looking to see if you did your workout, so that accountability will keep you on track!

So, are you interested? OF COURSE YOU ARE .…
1. DECIDE & COMMIT to joining my Beachbody Challenge and sign up with me as your FREE coach (click Beachbody challenge). Already have a coach? Ask them if they run any challenge groups and if not, you can always send me an email and I can let you know how to switch coaches.
2. Fill out the form below or message me on Facebook so that we can discuss which Beachbody program and Shakeology flavor is the best fit for you
3. I will get you all signed up and send you a conformation email where you will confirm the program and Shaekology flavors and enter your payment information.
4. I will friend you on Facebook and you will be entered into the next private challenge group! 
5. Succeed!

I can not Wait to kick some Spring BOOTAY with you,

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

FREE 5 Day Clean eating and Ab Challenge

I don't know about y'all but I have been in Spring cleaning mode HARD CORE around here the last couple of days!!! Just feeling like I need to purge and organize!

No better add in then a FREE 5 day clean eating challenge to give yourself a check on what may need to be purged from the cupboards OR added in! As a BONAS lets add in some ab challenges for that added tone up before spring officially starts!!

What is Clean Eating?

Eating Clean is not about deprivation. It’s not about giving up one food group or another. Many of you may not be sure what Clean Eating really means.  With all the fitness and nutrition buzzwords out there, it can definitely be confusing.  Most people agree that Clean Eating at its most basic definition means eliminating processed foods, additives, preservatives and artificial sugars from their diet.  Basically, you’re eating whole, unrefined foods.  Since you’re avoiding anything that has been altered in any way, your diet will be filled with whole grains, fruits, veggies and other wholesome, nutritious foods.   Since 70-80% of your fitness results come from the foods you eat, clean eating is a crucial part of your success.

 Eating Clean is about giving your body what it needs to thrive. Everything is about balance and moderation!! You have only one body. It’s yours for life. If your body is spening all its time trying to rid itself of the junk you put into it, how will it perform optimally? What you put into your body dictates every moment of every day. It dictates whether you are lean, overweight, or obese. It dictates whether you have energy to spare or find yourself falling asleep at your desk. When you give your body everything it needs, it will run along so smoothly you won’t even give it a second thought … that is!

Want to JOIN IN?

Our NEXT Clean Eating  Group starts on September 7th, 2015.
  • I provide 5 days worth of meal planning, grocery list, tips, motivation, and accountability to get you on the right track to accomplish your personal goals!
  • I have TWO requirements for joining the Clean Eating group: The first is participation.  No bystanders in this group!   You must participate in the daily check-ins and assignments.  The time required is minimal, but follow-through is mandatory.  We are all learning and trying new things together. Also, you must sign up to have me as your FREE Beachbody coach! You can do this by clicking HERE.  NOTE:  If you have a coach already and want to switch, you can do so by contacting customer relations at 1 (800) 998-1681 or fill out their online customer service form (  Tell them you want to assign Deanna O'Halloran as your coach (coach ID 768631).  
  • THAT'S ALL folks! Once that step is done fill out the form below and I will add you in :) 

can't wait to see you in there,