I have not always been an advocate of waking up early. To be honest I was always the sleep till noon girl all through college (except for the mornings I had class :)). Even after having both my boys I would sleep until I absolutely had to get up. Now with a new baby in the house you should sleep every second you get. However, as I started school and my boys are a little older, I was just always feeling rushed, which in turn made the boys feel rushed. You know what happens when you try and rush a 2 and 4 year old...like poking the bear (on crack)!
About a year ago I kept seeing all these posts about getting up early and this idea of "Me time"! Now at first I remember thinking, "who in their right mind would ever do that?" Then after knowing I needed to make more time for my school work, I decided to give this early morning (crazy person) idea a try. Now for me this was a slow process. I started by pushing my alarm back 15 minutes and I increased that every few days until I was getting up between 5-5:30. Am I perfect every day? Nope. Is it still a struggle to open my eyes? Yes! But I place my phone on the other side of my nightstand, I set two alarms, and as I reach for my phone and my feet hit the floor, I say out loud, "I am up, I am up, I am up"!
Here are the 5 benefits I have noticed to getting up early:
1. I am more likely to get my workout in if I get up earlier, which in turns gives me more energy and confidence for my day!
2. "Me time"! There really is something to be said about the stillness and quiet that comes from being present in the early mornings. Before the scamper of little feet or the loudness that is my husband making coffee in the morning (incomplete sentence)! It's focused time for me to think, work, read, paint, or whatever it is that sets your heart on fire and gets you a little closer to your goals.
3. The most successful people in the world get up early! They say it increases their productivity. So far I would have to say I have noticed the same thing.
4. You're more likely to eat breakfast! So many people skip breakfast because they, "run out of time". Getting up early allows you time to make a healthy breakfast and get your body ready for a productive and happy day. By eating breakfast you will also increase your energy level.
5. Excited to greet my boys. I have noticed on the mornings that I am up before them, things just go more smoothly. I am excited to see them and we snuggle. I feel like when they wake me up, I am more irritable and not as present. I feel like when I am up early and start my day off right it is contagious and they follow suit on that happy morning train!
Have courage and be kind today and don't forget to show up in all that you do,